Outside Chinn's Chapel

Our Activities

Our mission is “to encourage followers of Jesus Christ to bring about God-honoring transformation of people and communities”.  We do this through worship, Bible-based learning, relationship-building, service opportunities, and faith-sharing.  Our Prayer Team, Care Team, and Share Team coordinate support for our activities.


Each Sunday at 10:30am, the Chapel family gathers to lift our voices in praise to our awesome God, share our joys and concerns in united prayer, affirm each other and our guests in Christian love, focus our minds and hearts on a message of inspiration from God’s Word, and celebrate God’s mercy, love and grace with Holy Communion.  We sing vibrant hymns and gospel songs, accompanied by piano and organ.

Christmas Eve is a special time of worship, featuring Christmas carols, candlelight, and Holy Communion.  Special musical guests add to this joyful celebration of the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.


Everyone has a set of values/beliefs from which they make decisions and conduct their lives.  It matters where we get our values and beliefs.  Here at Chinn’s Chapel, we seek to discover what God has to say through the Bible.  We want our sense of right and wrong to be in harmony with God’s “mind” and will.  So we take God’s Word seriously in sermon preparation and in our other learning opportunities.  Our ladies meet midweek in a home to study topics of importance to their everyday lives from a Biblical perspective.  Our Pastor offers a Bible study at 9:00am on Sunday mornings in our Community Building.  Other learning opportunities designed to meet church family and community needs are offered from time-to time.


We all need “family” connections.  In these days, families are often scattered literally all over the world.  Chinn’s Chapel provides a “family” of faith, life-travelers sharing our dreams and experiences in an accepting, supportive, non-judgmental way.  So we eat together, work on projects together, “play” together, study together, worship together, and pray together.

Some of our men meet on Fridays at 8:00am at a local restaurant to solve all the world’s problems (!).  The weekly Ladies Bible Study includes time for fun and fellowship.  We have a monthly Men’s Fellowship Breakfast on the third Saturday of each month at 9:00am in our Community Building.  Once a quarter, and on special occasions like Homecoming Sunday, we share great pot-luck meals together.  “Tables of Eight” in-home dinner get-togethers give us connection offsite.  An occasional Men’s Retreat at a central Texas ranch is a special opportunity for connection for men.  And Christmas, the best family time of all, gives opportunities for special events like our “Christmas Open House” celebration.

We really do love one another!  And we welcome you inside this family circle!


The love and grace we share with one another spills out beyond our Chapel walls!  We gather food and household items to help keep the “Pantry” stocked at Christian Community Action, the wonderful interdenominational ministry to the needy of southern Denton County, headquartered in Lewisville.  We participate in providing new gifts for the CCA Christmas Toy Store, and support their many other ministries.  We support the great work of the United Methodist Committee on Relief, which responds to disasters worldwide.  We contribute to many global, regional and local United Methodist mission initiatives, such as the UMC effort to eradicate malaria worldwide (“Imagine No Malaria”), and the youth outreach mission homes in San Antonio (Providence Place) and Waco (Methodist Children’s Home).

Our military service personnel and veterans, and our community first responders, are worthy of special honor, and it is our privilege to regularly recognize their service in a variety of ways.


…sometimes with words (!), and with open arms and listening ears and compassionate hearts.  We cannot keep God’s overwhelming mercy, love and grace to ourselves!  We want everyone in this troubled world to enjoy a personal relationship with our Heavenly Father through a commitment to follow Jesus.  Our Heavenly Father graciously provides His Spirit to live with and in us to lead us in paths of truth and spiritual wholeness, and encourage us.  We fall short in so many ways, but God’s great grace and loving forgiveness give us new hope for each day, and we travel (sometimes stumbling!) forward, looking toward an awesome existence in heaven after our days on this earth are over!  We would love for you to share heaven with us!